Andreas Petzold
Andreas is an atmospheric scientist with longstanding experience in the measurement of climate relevant gaseous species and aerosol properties across the troposphere in various environments.
Today, he is heading the Research Group for Global Observation at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Troposphere (IEK-8) of Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. He is also Professor for Atmospheric Physics at the University of Wuppertal and serves as a member of the Scientific Advisory Group Aerosols of the Global Atmosphere Watch programme of WMO. One of his primary tasks is the coordination of the European Research Infrastructure IAGOS, jointly with colleagues from France and the U.K. As a convinced supporter of the concept of research infrastructures, he is contributing to the Community of the European Environmental Research Infrastructures ENVRI and coordinates the EU Project ENVRI-FAIR which connects the cluster of ENVRIs to the European Open Science Cloud.