Thomas Margoni
Prof. Dr. Thomas Margoni is Research Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology, KU Leuven, and a member of the Board of Directors at the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP). His research concentrates on the relationship among law, data and technology. Currently, Thomas has been focusing on the changes in the creation, access, transformation, and distribution of knowledge and information brought by technologies like the Internet and AI. Examples of relevant research projects include Skills4EOSC an Horizon Europe funded project to accelerate the upskilling of European researchers and data professionals in the field of Open Science; the Data Spaces Support Centre (https://dssc.eu/) a Digital Europe funded project dedicated to explore the needs of data space initiatives, define common requirements and establish best practices, where Thomas is KUL PI for the legal aspects; reCreating Europe, the EU H2020 project developing an integrated policy approach to copyright in the EU digital single market, where Thomas leads the task on AI and data ownership; DAFNE+ the Horizon Europe project focused on the use of blockchain technologies to define novel revenue and business models for the cultural and creative industries; ZOOOM a Horizon Europe CSA focused on awareness raising in the field of IP generation and management in collaborative innovation ecosystems, among others. Other areas of interest where Thomas has developed institutional as well as funded research include the processes of EU copyright and design law harmonisation; Data ownership and AI; Copyright, design rights and additive manufacturing; The digitisation of cultural heritage and the digital public domain; Open access and open science; Online intermediaries, fundamental rights and the platform economy; and the role of property rights in sports.